Sunday, February 3, 2013

It's Finally Here!

It's finally here! The highly anticipated 'all acoustic' concert from Joe Bonamassa at the world famous Vienna Opera House (filmed July 4, 2012) is set to air on New York PBS channel 'WMHT' in January, and other markets beginning March, in support of the DVD release scheduled for March 25 (U.K.) and March 26, 2013 (U.S.A.). Read the full press at Times Union.

When I first learned about Joe doing this mini-tour, back in April 2012, I had to write about it and tell the world. "An Acoustic Wonderland" was one of the first (formal) writings I penned as a free lance staff writer for Bluebirdreviews. I am forever grateful to Bridgette for taking me under her wing and giving me a place to call home. You can check out that article here.

Recently, fellow fan Sheila DeVoe Nailor (aka Upstate Sheila) happened to be in the right place at the right time and watched this performance from the comforts of her home, on January 27.  She was so moved she wrote the following:

GREAT SHOW on our local PBS (WMHT) station tonight. JOE IN VIENNA !! Song list as follows:

Solo intro (I didn't recognize it), "Jelly Roll", "Dust Bowl", "Slow Train", "Athens to Athens", "India" as lead into" Dislocated Boy", "Jockey Full of Bourbon", "Black Lung Heartache", "Mountain Time", "Bonamassa Original" (this is what Joe told me he called this very classical sounding lead in that he did to Woke Up Dreaming when I asked him the name of the piece after the November 2011 concert in Albany, NY) "Woke Up Dreamin', "Seagull".
There was an accordion, piano, violin/fiddle , Gourd shaker, Giant Tamborine, shakers, box drum, Cow Bells, Djemba, Mandola, Nickel-Harp, Banjo, and of course, Joe was in the middle of all this, surrounded by about 11 guitars w/one he was playing. I wish I could tell you WHAT those guitars were, but I cannot. I am sure though, that he changed guitars after each song. Most all of the musicians w/him played ...
more then one of the instruments I listed above.

My FAVORITE part of the show, was the interviews, from his home, during the Fund Raiser parts. He said the reason that he decided to do an all acoustic tour was because the public (his fans !) demanded it ! He said he wanted to do an acoustic cd, but was not thrilled w/the idea of doing it IN A STUDIO, hence, the tour & LIVE recordings. (I DID pledge to PBS & will receive a 2 disc cd & 2 disc dvd in 6-8 weeks). During another part of the interview, he said that THIS acoustic tour & playing in the Vienna Opera House were one of his MOST FAVORITE tours. NOTHING was plugged in on stage except the microphones. In another part of the interview, Joe said that because of the reaction to this tour (from WHO I wonder ??) "We have to do it AGAIN". And, in the end of the interview, he commented on WHY he likes PBS. Joe said he has fond memories of watching PBS as a kid: "Reading Rainbow, & Dr. Who ?. PBS is a place to go to find ART".

There was a reporter, Anthony DeCurtis from ROLLING STONE in the local PBS studio & he was interviewed during the pledge breaks. He had some very nice things to say when asked, "WHAT is it about Joe ?"
"His playing is clean, smart & fiery, beautiful detail in his playing."
"He is 'pushing the envelope' (I think he meant as a Blues/Rock musician) to play at V.O.H. This adds another level of 'texture' to his playing."
"He 'gets out of the way' of the music and is a beautiful ensemble player."
"He's entirely in LOVE with the music."

Anthony said some other stuff, & it was ALL GOOD !

So BonaBuds, keep an eye on the schedule for your local PBS. MARCH will be the month to watch............♥ :-)

Thanks Sheila. It sounds like it was a wonderful, musical experience.

Please be sure to watch out for more details about this highly anticipated concert DVD as the news unfolds. And I will do a full review on behalf of Bluebirdreviews.

Yours in music,


February 8, 2013, 8:07 p.m.
The official Vienna Opera Housewas unintentionally leaked earlier this week and I was one of the lucky few who picked up on the news feed on Facebook before it was taken down. Watching the filming and hearing Joe play acoustic gave me goosebumps. I had to share it tonight. Enjoy!!!  Read the press from Blues Magazine.

Yours in music,


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